Author name: adminpotat

43 Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Association of Biological Sciences (EEBE)

The Potato2Up project participated in the 43rd Congress of the Hellenic Association of Biological Sciences (EEBE) held in Alexandroupolis on 23-25 May 2024. At the conference a poster presentation was given with the title: Effects of seaweed biostimulant foliar application on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by members of EKETA (Emmanouilidou Christina, Petrou Nestor, Tsigarida Nikoleta,

43 Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Association of Biological Sciences (EEBE) Read More »

The Nevrokopi potato- the subject of study of the Potato2up- project ranked 3rd among many others from around the world

The recent publication of the TasteAtlas magazine ranked the Neukopi potato as one of the six best potatoes in the world. Through the POTATO2UP project, the importance of the study area in Northern Greece in the development of high quality potato cultivation is highlighted. Specifically, in the AWARDS 2023-2024 competition, the Nefrokopi potato is ranked

The Nevrokopi potato- the subject of study of the Potato2up- project ranked 3rd among many others from around the world Read More »

Potato2up’s participation in Smart Innovation Symposium #3

The “POTATO2UP” project was presented at the Smart Innovation Symposium #3, by Geosystems Hellas at the conference on “Research and Innovation in SMEs”. The event was held at Harokopio University in Athens, in conjunction with the RETASTE: Rethink Food Resources, Losses, and Waste Third International Conference 2023, on September 29, 2023. The presentation of the

Potato2up’s participation in Smart Innovation Symposium #3 Read More »

Participation of Mrs. Chilioti in the seminar “Organic potato cultivation practices for improved production quality” of CERTH

Ms. Zoe Chilioti, Principal Investigator at the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INEV) – EKETA, and member of the research project “POTATO2UP” spoke at the scientific seminar entitled “Organic potato cultivation practices for improved production quality”. The seminar took place on Friday 3 November (09:30 – 10:30) at the Michael – Gerasimos Strintzis amphitheatre of the

Participation of Mrs. Chilioti in the seminar “Organic potato cultivation practices for improved production quality” of CERTH Read More »

Presentation of POTATO2UP at the seminar “Organic potato cultivation practices for improved production quality” by CERTH

Ms. Zoe Chilioti, Principal Investigator at the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INEV)- EKETA, and member of the research project “POTATO2UP” will speak at the scientific seminar entitled “Organic potato cultivation practices for improved production quality”. We are pleased to invite you to the scientific seminar, which will take place on Friday 3 November at 09:30

Presentation of POTATO2UP at the seminar “Organic potato cultivation practices for improved production quality” by CERTH Read More »

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