Work Packages

WP1 “Implementation and evaluation of a biostimulation protocol in the pilot field for more effective absorption of nutrients”

The objective of WP1 is the implementation of the foliar application of a biostimulant for more effective nutrient uptake in the pilot crop under the guidance of CERTH and the partner SPERAMUS IKE. The pilot application will be carried out for 2 consecutive growing seasons. The protocol will include appropriate application rates, the type of biostimulant, and the timing of application. Additionally, the application protocol will be monitored throughout the growing season to ensure that the desired results are achieved. At the end of the season, the results will be evaluated in terms of plant growth, yield, and other factors. Thus, an effective and efficient application protocol will be developed, which will ensure that the crop receives the maximum benefit from the foliar application with biostimulant.

WP2 “Implementation and evaluation of a defense activator protocol for an eco-friendlier management of important fungal diseases in field conditions”

The objective of WP2 is to experimentally apply a defense activator to evaluate the resistance to major fungal diseases in the pilot crop over two consecutive growing seasons, under the guidance of Hellenic Agricultural Organization ELGO DIMITRA. The implementation of this WP will involve the partner SPERAMUS IKE. The effect of the defense activator will be evaluated by protocols developed by ELGO DIMITRA. Standard plant pathological approaches will be used for the evaluation of infestations, molecular diagnostic techniques for the detection of pathogens in the pilot crop, and by studying the induction of the expression of defense-related genes. The results of this WP2 will be a critical component of the overall project. They will provide vital information on the efficacy of the defense activator in reducing the severity of fungal diseases in the pilot crop.

WP3 “Development of a model and system for monitoring the production quality and the plant health using multi-spectral UAV images, satellite and meteorological data”

WP3 aims to acquire and combine satellite data and multispectral UAV imagery for regular observation of the pilot, after the application of biocontrol agents. The purpose of this monitoring is to assess the production quality and the impact of the methodology at given time points. The data gathered from the monitoring will be used to build an evidence base, for the assessment of the success of the applied methodology. The data gathered from the monitoring before and after the application of the biostimulant or defense activator will provide indicators for the success of the methodology. Furthermore, the use of data from the installed meteorological station will also contribute to the interpretation of the results. This evidence base can then be used to transfer the results to other areas of the same crop, if necessary. By acquiring and combining satellite data and multispectral UAV imagery, WP3 will provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the methodology, which can be used for future decision making.

WP4 “Dissemination of project results”

The dissemination and communication activities throughout the project will be focused on promoting the objectives of the project and its results to the target audience. To ensure maximum reach and effectiveness, a range of activities will be employed. This includes the creation of a website and social media accounts to share information, the organization of a workshop and a seminar to discuss the project’s actions and results, and the creation of a promotional newsletter. All these activities will be tailored to engage the target audience and ensure that the project’s objectives are effectively communicated. Additionally, the project team will continuously monitor and evaluate the success of these activities and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the project’s objectives are met.

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